We understand how much a rough cost guide of our engineering services will help our clients for project budgeting or decision making. So we have provided the following ballpark fees on some of our more sought after services. Please keep in mind that the listed approximate fees may vary significantly from an actual quotation.
The following hourly rate schedule can be assumed for miscellaneous engineering work, but may vary depending on workload and job size:
Director/ Principal Engineer - $250/hr
Senior Engineer - $190/hr
Engineer - $140/hr
Drafter - $110/hr
Generally in the range of $350-$600 but will vary depending on job complexity, location and travel.
This service will typically work out to be in the range of $1200-$2700 per A3 drawing sheet. But will vary considerably depending on design complexity and job size.
Stormwater Concept plans which include a detailed design (for DA & CC) for single residential dwellings will typically range between $1100-$1900, varying based on location, LGA requirements and site complexity.